Showing posts with label Sports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sports. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The "I" in Team

Contrary to the old coaching cliche, there is an "I" in a team. A team is made up of members, and each member is the "I". We may see a team with just only their star players or just someone who had stood out. But everyone in the team has their own vital role in completing the package. Superstars will never be superstars without the help of their teammates. A teammate can make each other look worse by a casual attitude towards the team, sloppy execution and a whats-in-it-for-me spirit. It would be very easy for the other members to say "What's the fuss, he gets all the credits anyway". But that's not what the "I" in the team all about, we may not get all the credits we all crave for or even deserved oftentimes but it is just how it is, forgetting the "I" and replacing it with the "we" attitude. When we joined a team, the needs of the team supersede your own. And when your in a team, the need of your teammates come first. Attitude is contagious, commitment to excellence and superior execution leads to stronger commitment and even better execution. Good teammates make one another better. Even when time comes that no one meets the expectations. In times when the team is in their worse, there's still that hope that becoming a winner is a day-to-day thing, teaching, learning and growing. A team must grow together and may not grow immediately. The big danger is that if we are pointing fingers on whose fault is it that the team had failed. We must learn first that if we're going to point a finger, point it at the mirror. The attitude must be, "If we are not winning, it is my fault". With it, everything else will fall into places. Great team makes adjustments and get back on track. Their commitment doesn't waver, and don't lower the standards. 

Stress, peer pressures, competitiveness may get in to the way, we get tensed, impatient and frustrated. But this negative factors must not get in the way in achieving what the team's main goal. Negative factors must become the teams motivation to strive even more. This is not anyone's fault, but it can help us to strengthen our connection, trust and how we are related to each other. We must become that "I" in a team. We must be the team player. A teammate. "I have to love the sense of contribution to something bigger than I was". We are on the same team. "I would have to know what was expected of me and deliver". It takes time to build a strong team, but not just time. It takes purposeful pursuit of getting the best of each teammates, extending grace, support, encouragement, love and respect to each other. We no longer have a choice about whether or not we will be on a team. We have a team. We all have our own team. Our life experiences teaches us how to react in everyday circumstances. The question here is.. are we committed enough to be a growing teammate? Are we the link on our team or the cornerstone upon whom the team can count? If we become a good teammate, everything else follows, confidence in our teammates frees us up to play the game with reckless abandon, but doubt infects a team with hesitation and fear.

Good team? Yes, we are. And we have the potential to get better, but we also have the opportunity to get worse. Most likely we're not even at the half yet. There's a long way to go and a lot of adjustments we'll have to make. Do you think your team sees you as a teammate with a strong sense of the "I" in a team....? 
I hopefully think so.

                                                                          Xoxo, Ypai 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Throwback Tuesday Post (The 2012 London Olympics)

Last night as I was watching the Sochi Winter Olympics that is going on right now in Russia, I remember my rambling notes about the 2012 London Olympics...and since I still don't have a blog yet at that time..I just wrote it dowm on my old pocketnotebook.. And since today is throwback tuesday for me, it is just timely to post it here...So,here it is! My 2012 London Olympics post...

Had to woke up 4 in the morning just to witnessed the 30th Olympics opening ceremony. And indeed, the ceremony met my expectations...the history and culture of Great Britain was well reflected on how they have shown it in the making of the five olympic rings which is a representation of the five continents. And we were all taken aback as Her Majesty and James Bond took off with a sophisticated british chopper from the palace and flew all over downtown London, just a great way to show off the breathtaking London view at night! And ofcourse, who wouldn't be moved with what the NHS (National Health Services) had presented, showing the whole world what service with compassion means. Giving us all a glimpse of the soft side of Great Britain. A salute also on how much they recognized thier citizen who brought pride to their country by making them part of the ceremony..personalities like J.K Rowlings, Robert Atkinson, Sir Paul McCartney and David Beckham! But what impresses me most is the fact that the ceremony is not just about showing something big to impress the world..Great Britain wanted make a point..A point like equality of men and what we have seen many flag beares are women..a recognition of fairness..they also gave children with disabilities a chance to shine in their own way as they sang the national anthem..and for me that was a heart warming act. They also gave recognition to individuals, appreciated every achievements achieved. And lastly, the highlight of the ceremony is the torch lighting..they break tradition just to show us something to ponder to...instead of lighting the torch in one they made it into small single torch that when lighted together it becomes a big magnificient torch...and by doing that they gave us something that was all in us the sense of unity..that WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER kind of thing..telling the world that each one of us plays a major role in every way, it's what the individual torch is all about, represented each of us in this big chaotic world. And I'm sure that that beautifully designrd torch will very much simplify the true meaning of the Olympics. UNITY. Love for Sports. Fair Play. Love for Mankind.

And as an end to this post... United we fall, united we stand...
I so love sports!!!

                                                                                                            Xoxo, Ypai

Sunday, October 6, 2013

TengVSTeng Finals

I may never be able to have a UAAP ID, never be able to attend in any UAAP member school but there's no rule that I cannot to be part of the UAAP craze...! And this season is one of many seasons that make me want to be a part of UAAP, even just as a UAAP fan. The finals is more exciting because of the rivalry of the Teng brothers who, not to question are two good basketball players, not to mention they are the sons of the former PBA player Alvin Teng. So, not hard to guess were they get all that basketball genes.

Jeric and Jeron

with dad Alvin Teng

So, who will win? Will it be a day of Yellow on saturday or will the Green army prevail?

My fearless forecast? Yellow. Jeric wanted this title because this is his last year in UAAP and the experience also of the growling Tigers, maybe Jeric will be pressured in game 3 but he will overcome that. Jeron and the Archers is still a young team, maybe next year... but I don't know... I just wish the basketball gods will give us a tight, buwis-buhay type of game this saturday October 12 at the MOA Arena.

Why UST?
First, yellow happen to be my fave color.
Second, Jeric has a number 6 in his jersey, which is by the way my favorite #.
Lastly, I just find Jeric to be cutier now... hahah
I know, this post doesn't make sense at all but I just want to blab about basketball 'coz it makes me feel good!

Whoever win the ring, Mr. Alvin Teng is surely the big winner.
Whatever the outcome of the finals as long as it will be a fair and a good quality of basketball, we are all winners!
Basketball isn't all about winning anyway, it is about a team sport. It's about winning for the name printed on the front of your jersey, for the people behind that name and most specially for the people who you may not know personally and yet will cheer their hearts out for you..
And as a basketball fan, all I can I ever wish is a game that will make me feel every feeling in the world... (as if I can't feel that in every game hahaha).

So, may the best Teng wins!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Silver... Shinier Than Gold

We may not win the gold medal of the recent FIBA Asia Championships, a silver medal is more than enough. Booking that Spain 2014 World Cup slot is a great honor already. Putting Philippines in the world Map of basketball again after thirty plus years is such an achievement, more than a gold medal, it's shinier than gold.

Thank you Gilas Pilipinas! Thank you for all your sacrifices, being away from your family for training camps, for not giving up despite criticisms and doubts, for making us believe that if we dream big,  put our hearts to it, and work on it, nothing is impossible.

And most especially, thank you Gilas for showing the whole world that we are a Christian nation, thank you for taking time to pray and asked our Father above for guidance and not ashamed showing it. Got so emotional seeing the guys looking above, saying thank you to the Lord after beating Korea. Took time praying as a group before celebrating with the crowd.

Also thank you coach Chot Reyes for making that World Cup dream a reality. That you for standing up for the Gilas team. Thank you for drawing that wonderful game plan against the Korean team that caught them off guard.

Just like in our daily life, we need a coach who is willing to teach, mold and willing to draw plans for us to become a champion in life. And thankfully, we always have a champion Coach above who is unconditionally willing to teach and guide us if only we are willing to follow and execute His instructions and fully trust His (will) game plan for us.

And lastly, let me share to you what Larry Fonacier had twitted after the game.

Not to us O Lord not to us, But to Your name, give glory Because of Your loving kindness, because of Your truth. Psalms 115:1

                                                                                                              xx, Ypai

Byaheng Espanya! (Super Late Post)

Last August 11, 2013 a history in Philippines Basketball was made. After 30+ years of not making it to the World Cup, we finally quality! We beat our long time nemesis Korean basketball team in which for the longest time in basketball history we haven't beaten. Through the years Korea put a curse on us, always left us heart broken not only in Koraenovelas but on basketball as well. I personally, doubted the Gilas. I really didn't think that we can steal this one from them, but deep in my heart I know for some reason that this Gilas roaster is so underrated in many ways, maybe some critics were right, Gilas don't have the height compared to those 7 footer players but remember this, Pinoys have BIG HEART. Gilas may lack in height, trained in such  short time, and may not have the best basketball program in Asia but in a great player's perspective, playing alone for your country, for your countrymen whose love for basketball is immeasurable, it's more than enough.

Here's the highlights of the game:


No words can describe what I felt at that moment, I was laughing and crying at the same time and it was the best moment in my 20+  years of being a basketball fan, it's more than Alaska winning championship, more than Nico Salva getting the finals MVP, more than seeing JoLas shot that 3-pointer! I never felt any prouder to be Pinoy! And I truly believed I'm not the only one who felt the same way, I assumed it was the whole country. Yeah, Korea left us again in tears but this time it's tears of joy! Wohoooo! We really got PUSO.

                                                                                                                   xx, Ypai

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Beast

His name is Calvin  Abueva.  aka "the beast".  A rookie in the professional basketball league in the Philippines (PBA). A second overall draftee  picked by the Alaska Aces. A treat to every opponent. A franchise changer. A player of angst with lots of guts and confidence. What more can I say? Many things for sure, but one thing is certain, he's a big factor why my Aces is now in the finals again! Yeah, you heard me right... the Aces is back in the finals for the first time in the post Tim Cone era! Yeah baby!!!!!!
My fearless prediction for this guy that I hate so much in his collegiate years but now loving him.... aaahhhnnn.. tantarantannnnn.... He will bag that Rookie-MVP of the year! Just the second ROY-MVP in PBA history next to Benjie "the tower of power" Paras. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Here's some comments from the sports experts for the beast:

                                                   FTW- The Undefeated Alaska

                                                   FTW- The Beast Effect
Go for the 14th Championship Aces!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Thoughts on Chris Tiu

Christopher John Alandy-Dy Tiu

Who does not  know Chris Tiu ? You can see his face on print ads, in television and of course if you are a sports fan like me, you should know who Chris Tiu is. In the world of sports Chris is a good basketball player, a team leader with high basketball IQ. In social world, Chris is not just a pretty face, he's a role model to the youth, an entrepreneur on such a young age. In fact he started his business while he is still in  college while taking up Management Engineering (one of the hardest course in Ateneo) and at the same time a student athlete. I first saw Chris Tiu in an UAAP basketball back in 2008 I believe playing for the Eagles, his good looks  got my attention and the fact that he really can play ball, he's more than just a pretty face! He won the MVP award that year by the way. Last week, as I was scrolling down his blog I got interested in his post about his speech in a graduation ceremony he attended last month. It was his first graduation speech, not that he didn't received invites it's just that he don't have the time due to his hectic schedule. As I was reading the blog, there are things that he had shared to the graduates that got my attention.. here's the excerpt of the blog
Happy Lemon (Chris' business)

(Freedom to Love)
Now, let's talk a little bit about a topic that you all love, and that is, LOVE! Maniwala kayo sa hindi, I had my first and only girlfriend when I was in high school. How many of you have boyfriends or girlfriend? (No one raises their hands! Ya right!) There's nothing wrong with being in a relationship. Love is wonderful! It gives us joy. But it is difficult and has consequences. One thing that bothers me when I watch Western movies or TV shows is how casually they portray sex among non-married couples, one night stands, and worse, teenagers and same-sex couples! I hope you guys don't believe that giving your bodies to your partners at this age is manifestation of true love! Because it isn't!

When I was playing in the UAAP for the Ateneo Blue Eagles, (you guys were probably still watching cartoons then), I had four years of disappointment and pain because we missed the championship every year. Year in and year out, I would put in so much time and effort working on my game to become a better player and a better leader. I made a lots of sacrifices and preserved through the stressful life of a student athlete. And in my 5th and last year when I was team captain as well, we finally won the much-coveted championship to the joy of the entire Ateneo community.

 What made it so sweet was the fact that we endured so many years of adversity and made so many sacrifices until our dream become a reality! Not to mention that we also defeated our arch rivals in the finals (whose name I will not mention J).

Why did I mention that? Because, true love is about the freedom to make sacrifices for one another: in the case of romantic relationships, waiting for love to be blessed in marriage. Besides by sacrificing, we also develop fortitude of spirit that will allow us to face challenges head on. Sacrifice, as I have learned in my years with the Blue Eagles, also makes the end-goal (which is success) more satisfying.

(You can read the entire blog post here

After reading this I got so kilig! Mind you, I do believe in this True Love Waits concept of love too! I felt like as if we are meant to be! hahaha (in my dreams). But kidding aside, I really wanted to share this to everyone for we may forget this values for in the world like ours today, the wrong doings may turn out right just because everybody is doing it. May we never forget the sanctity of marriage. The holiness of it. And of the little things that we may feel it's ok but actually it is not. I do not mean to condemn. I just wanted to stretch some words to think about. I myself is guilty on this little things. But we have a forgiving God, He is very much willing to accept us if only we shall come and asks forgiveness.

This blog post of Chris' changes my impression of him as a person, he is not just really a pretty face indeed (as if he doesn't have the right to brag his kagwapuhan to everyone naman) but also a deep believer of values, a christian not just in words but truly living it to the word. And now I can officially can say that Chris Tiu is my ideal man not because of his outside appearance but because of  what's inside his heart that got me into him. May he continue to inspire and be a role model to everyone.

                                                                             Xoxo, Ypai

So close.. Yet so far.

I love basketball. No doubt 'bout that and it hurts so much  to not  be able to watch a PBA All-Star Weekend knowing it's just 30 miles away! In the past years, I always looked forward to an All-Star game. It was late January I believe that they announced where the All-Star Weekend will be held and I was so static about it 'coz I know I have a fat chance in watching it live. I started to look for tickets in the internet and asked  few friends who I think got connections to the event but it was nothing. A few weeks before the event a friend told me that he got tickets, a 1300-worth of a single tix! And my reaction is like "What? I can book a round trip flight for that price!" hahaha So, I didn't grab that opportunity to watch the All-Star game thinking there will surely be cheaper tix.. but nothing came 'til the day of the event. And I regretted it BIG-TIME. Yeah, seeing it on Tv how successful and crazy the games went and who the players that had joined... Shocks! I was supposed to be there screaming my lungs out!  I should have bought that damn 1k+ ticket for I know my pleasure and happiness in watching basketball is more than a thousand bucks but it's all too late now..I made a choice and  the All-Star Weekend was done and I can't turn back time, all I can do is try to see things on the brighter side and not to make the same mistake again in the future to come. Lesson learned is that OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS ONLY ONCE and you should grab it even if you feel it's just a 10% go-signal to yourself. Even if you believe it's a great risk because Life is nothing without RISK but always do remember to think things over first and always asks for God's guidance in making decisions in life. I know this is penny thoughts but for me this is something. I will forever remember this event in my life 'coz I am sure it will take years before the next All-Star Weekend in Digos City. All-Star Weekend was a great success anyway and  the best All-Star Weekend so far for me not because this was held in our neighboring city but because I can see that the players and the audience had a great time and the culmination game ended in a draw! With Jeff Chan shooting that clucth 3 pointer to the tie game! What a game though I didn't watch it live I still feel I was part of the event haha #feelingeraLangAngPeg.

Here are the highlights:

Co-MVPs Jeff Chan & Arwind Santos

Slam Dunk Champ Chris Ellis

3-pt Shootout Champ Chris Tiu!
4-time Skills Challenge Champ Jonas Villanueva

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Last night, I chose to stay at home just to watch the PBA Semis between the Alaska Aces against San Mig Coffee. As expected, it was war! The game is not for the weak of heart. Watching the game is like watching your best friend and boyfriend playing ball in the opposing team! I was torn which team would I want to draw first blood. The Aces had not been able to beat the Mixers since Coach Tim left the Aces 2 seasons ago... The first time I learned about Coach Tim's transfer it's like "what? is this some kind of a joke people?." Alaska will never be Alaska without Coach Tim's Triangle Offense and his coat and tie! But nothing is constant in this world that's what they said, that's the sad part. All we got to do is accept the fact that my beloved Aces will be TimConeless. Still I have this feeling that I ought to cheer for the Mixers 'coz there's Coach Tim in there. Our beloved Coach who gave us championships (Grand slam for that matter).  On the other hand I know in my heart that I will be forever loyal to the Alaska Aces franchise though the original players are retired already and it is not the same Aces that I love so much before. 

Thank you for the Grand slam.

Loyalty prevails. In the final minutes of the ball game I found myself praying that the Aces will be able to surpass this awkward stage of being in the shadow of Coach Tim. And will finally be able to win for the first time against Coach Tim Cone. For since Coach Tim's "leaving" the team and coached the Mixers there was not a single game that the Aces had won. I truly believed it's about time that the Aces will let go and let their inner beast go out  fully geared and beat the Mixers! But the god of basketball has other plan last night. Once again the reigning Best Import of the Commissioner's Cup "Monster Bowles" delivered a dagger that killed my beloved Aces in just a shot...

Monster Bowles

 Ouch! It hurts damn deep. It's just only game one of five games and I am very sure there will be more drawing of bloods and redeeming of prides.  I know Alaska will bounce back in game II. It will be another epic game for sure!  I want the Alaska Aces in the Finals.