Monday, June 30, 2014

Date a Girl Who...

Date a girl who loves sports. there's something cool about a girl who loves sports, she can be your best buddy watching a basketball game or the world cup, cheering for your favorite team or she can be your worst nightmare when your rooting the opposing team, but it will just add more fun in your relationship... there is something romantic in arguing with the one you love anyway..sometimes... And importanty, you speak the same language.

Date a girl who loves racing... a girl who loves adrenaline rush, who loves challenges, she may put you up to your limit...she may even get into your ego but I tell you, she is all worth it. When you get hold of her and understand that there is a soft heart behind that "adrenaline-rush-junkie-persona" girl that she's protraying and too proud to admit her weak side..when you break that... when you worm will be the proudest man alive and will be humbled to get to see and love the real girl who loves racing.

Date a girl who loves to travel... a girl who would save up just to experience the other side of the world, a girl who is contented with a plain tees, shorts and a flipflops, a girl who would appreciate the simple yet amazing beauty of life that most of us has just taken for granted... a girl who sees the world a vast place for learning and trying to learn in everything, a girl who would understand the reason behind everything.. will it be a right or wrong doings . What is in there for you..? Well, she will just be the girl who will understand and see right through you and will try her very best to understand and be right for you because she has seen, learned and understood a lot of things through her travels. Isn't she just right for you...?

Date a girl who reads... a girl who shut down everything when she is with her priceless possesions, books. A girl who finds peace and serenity in a library or even in a book shop, a girl who ideate a prince charming and believe in "happily-ever-after", a girl who will see her man as her "knight in shinning armour". Why would you love her...? It is simply because a girl who loves to read would do anything to be a kind and a perfect princess to be able to have her prince charming and will put extra effort to fight the witches in your relationship just because she do believe that those witches is just a plot, just like one of her books and there will be a happily ever after.

So, are you dating one of them..? Or are you one of those who are lucky enough to find a girl who loves all the above...? And if you find the girl, don't let her go. And when you finally got the girl, don't blow her up.

This post was inspired by.... "Date a girl who travels" by Aleah Taboclaon.