Showing posts with label Life and Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life and Love. Show all posts

Friday, January 5, 2018

Thoughts On Year 2017

A few days after the new year, I have not even summarized what year 2017 had been. It had gone by so fast, I still felt like I just celebrated new year and now another year passed again in a blink of an eye. But nonetheless, it was a great year.Always thankful and grateful for all the opportunities and experiences I had, may it be bad or good, it still help me become who I am today and I am still a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and where we are right now is where we should be and is preparing us to where we are meant to be.

This post is meant to be a reminder to everyone of how blessed we are, and should be grateful in where we are at the moment. We might not have all the things that we hope we have by now but please bear in mind always that we have all the things we need. We might not see them as important as they ought to be but believe me they are. We may forget to be thankful for the little things in life since they are always there, and we always tend to take them for granted. On my part, I must admit, I had a lot of complains last year that made me see the good things less. When we complain we overlook other things coz we are so focused on the negative side of things and we are not seeing the bright side of it, our perspective changed to negative outlook all the way and that makes life more challenging and complicated. It makes life harder not just for ourselves but for the people around us.

What I learned from the past year is that you cant control anything. Controlling things just make life  harder. Yet, we can control on how to react to the things that are happening to us. That's the time we have control on things, and the time that we are the ones who are in charge of our lives.
As much as how we think we had planned our lives or thought that things should be that way or this way, it will never be that way. Life has its own unique way of teaching us the hows and whys of it.
It will hit us hard, knock us out by surprise but when we get the hang of it, learned to dance with it, its more easier for us to play and decide what we want in our lives. It may take some time for us to be at peace with where we are right now, but its just alright, no one gets this life figured out. We are all still writing the pages of our own story. Remember also that it will take hundreds of pages to make a good story, so just continue writing your story, maybe you are just in the beginning or midway, as long as you are still writing, you are doing fine. Continue writing beautiful, kind and heartwarming story that someday the world would like to read.

In the past year I also learned to not give a damn and just live my life as it is. People will always have something to say assumed things, even if they don't know the whole story and we cannot do anything about it.The way people treat you reflects who they are, the way you treat people reflects who you are. It is as simple as that. You cannot please anyone and it is alright, not all people likes you anyway, that's how life is. As long as you are not taking advantage or abusing someone, you are fine. Walk away from people that takes away your peace of mind. Be at peace with yourself and believe in the power that is bigger than you. Have faith in whatever that makes you believe in far greater than what you are seeing or experiencing. Believe in God. Believe in your God. Have faith. Faith in God. And lastly, PRAY.

In conclusion, 2017 was a year of growth, hope, faith, and love. Thank you for the year that it was, for all the smiles, laughter, trials, blessings, craziness, guts, leap of faith and for awesome people that made life more interesting this year.


Thursday, November 23, 2017

What is Thanksgiving..?

What is Thanksgiving?

According to Wikipedia, it is a national holiday celebrated primarily in the United States of America and in Canada as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the proceeding year. Several other places in the world observe similar celebrations. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and of the second Monday of October in Canada. Thanksgiving has a historic roots in religious and cultural tradition, and has long been celebrated in secular manner as well. There are also countries who don't celebrate Thanksgiving like Philippines and all muslim countries like the UAE. Though we don't have a specific dates to celebrate Thanksgiving here in this side of the world,everyday should be Thanksgiving day. We should be thankful not just for the things that we asked and given to us but most especially for the little things that somethimes we all have taken for granted. Little things that without it life would be nothing, like just waking up each morning, we forget that is the most basic thing that we should be thankful for, for there are people who doesn't even wake up after they sleep. The air we breathe, the water that comes to us abundantly and many more.

Do you know how the official national Thanksgiving Day come about?
It's Sara J. Hale, the editior of the poplular women's magazine Godey's Lady's Book. She wrote a Thanksgiving Day editorial in the September 1863 issue of her magazine. Up until that time, there had been no official National Thanksgiving Day. Her thought on being thankful revolved around Nehemial 8:10 that says "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LOrd is your strength". When the issue came off the press, she sent a copy to President Lincoln. At that time President Lincoln had bigger worries than establishing a day on which to be thankful. The country was in the middle of a Civil War. The union armies had lose battles to the confederates on many fronts. Many of his generals were worried more about the cut of their uniforms than about the young men dying under their commands. Newspaper blasted the president, no matter what he did or didn't do. Some members of the cabinet made fun of him, called him names behind his back. The presidency of the United States of America seemed to be on the verge of crumbling. Along with the country itself-not exactly the time to give thanks! President Lincoln reads Mrs. Hale's editorial. And despite his political and personal troubles, on October 3, 1863, he declared the last Thursday of November to be a National Thanksgiving Day.

Saying Thank You is so easy. Those two words can make all the difference in another person's entire day. Maybe you remember saying thank you to your mom and dad for clean clothes, good food and just for being there when you needed them. Maybe you tell the pastor thank you for a sermon well done or to a total stranger whom have shown you a simple act of kindness, maybe to a man who have opened a door for you, to the guy who gave up his seat for you in the metro or to that lady who gave you direction when you didn't know where to go and the list could go on and on.. But there are people to whom you may not said thank you but whom you really appreciate for their good example, for their faithfullness, for the time and effort they give to make your life a little more comfortable-such as the bus drivers that take you to work everyday, to the girl who give you your coffee everyday, to the lady in the reception area that greats you every morning upon entering the building, to the delivery guy who delivers your food, to the security guard in your building, to the cashier, to the janitor who throws your thrash,to that person that always asked how are you and so on.., these are the people that make our life comfortable yet we always forget to appreciate, people who we feel can do nothing for us yet they are the people that is the most deserving to be appreciated and saying thank you to.

Saying thank you is important. Being thankful is a choice, not a chance. That means, no matter what else is happening in our lives, we can chose to be thankful and discover that we are THANKFUL, we are HAPPY.
Therefore, we can choose to be HAPPY just by being THANKFUL.
Make sense right..?

Just like what President Lincoln did,he didn't wait until the end of the war to be thankful. He declared his gratitute and praise at a time when it seemed he had the least for which to be thankful. The message in Nehemial 8:10 is just that-the joy of giving thanks to the Lord is your strenght.
It's easy to say thank you when everything is terrific, but when things go bad, the true joy of thankfulness gives strength.- "the joy of the Lord is our strength".

Being thankful is a good habit to develop. So, let us all be thankful to the Lord not only for the blessings but also for the trials and tribulations that come our way.

Let us say thank you to the people around us whom we know deserved our sinceremost THANK YOU.

Have a blessed THANKSGIVING people!!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Fall For Someone Who...

Fall for someone who you can call HOME.

Fall for someone who will text you Good Morning and Good Night. Someone who's day will not be complete without it.

Fall for someone who will make time for you, not someone who will just see you when they're free.

Fall for someone who will not say, I'm busy.

Fall for someone who sees your need even before you do.

Fall for someone who will tell you they are mad at you.

Fall for someone who sees you like you were magic.

Fall for someone who will not make you think that love is hard.

Fall for someone who you can laugh with all your grossness.

Fall for someone who loves your weirdness.

Fall for someone who tolerates your craziness yet scolds you when you've gone too far.

Fall for someone who encourages you to be a better version of who you are.

Fall for someone who not only wants you for sex.

Fall for someone who says SORRY.

Fall for someone who's not afraid to show you their feelings.

Fall for someone who's not afraid to cry in front of you.

Fall for someone who makes you say I LOVE YOU like it's a given.

But most importantly, fall for someone who LOVES YOU. Sometimes, having someone who LOVES YOU is more than just enough.

And when you've finally found that someone, please love him like he does and take good care of him.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Trust me, YOU are more than fine.

You are doing fine. It's okay to not be okay. It's okay to wonder what life will be. It's normal to not know what the future holds. It's acceptable to cry because you're heartbroken. It's alright to not be responsible sometimes, just know your limits. It's not wrong to beg for love coz I know you won't beg if he is not worth it. It's not a lose to put down some pride in the name of love. It's fine to be confused and make yourself crazy in love.

Never regret on how you feel, it's who you are, it makes you unique and that uniqueness makes you more beautiful. Embrace your individuality. Don't be afraid to be different. Don't follow the crowd, make your own road. Smile at your mistakes but make sure to learned a lesson from it.

Don't be scared to fall in love, and fall hard, give your all. Be happy. Make him happy. It's the greatest gift you can give to someone. Don't be ashamed to ask questions and hear all the answers.

Let go. You cannot control things. Sometimes the hardest person to let go is the one you should let go most. Treasure memories. It's forever. Keep it in your heart. Smile with those memories, it feels good. Trust people, always give them the benefit of the doubt.

Trust God`s plan and enjoy the ride, you will arrived in your destination in your own time. Enjoy the journey coz life happens only once, you can't live this day the second time.

Seize the moment, may it be sadness, confusions, heartbreaks, and happiness. Do not let life's lessons harden you. Let your experiences make you a better version of yourself.

Love and live life.

Appreciate people, especially the ones making efforts to make you happy. It might be their last, best and all and they chose to give it to you.

Say sorry to people you've hurt, consciously and unconsciously.

Say Thank you to people that makes life worth living. Everyone you meet is a blessing and a lesson in your life. And it's a good thing.

Be thankful.

And most importantly, be patient and kind always. 

Be a blessing to everyone you meet along the way. It makes life more beautiful and worth while. 

Friday, January 13, 2017

The Prey

The eagle came unexpectedly.
Like a flash in a stormy day.
The prey nod surprisingly.
Holding her breath silently.
The eagle smile genuinely.
Making the prey feels so lovely.
Like a morning as beautiful as today.

The eagle knew better.
For he is wiser than ever.
He needs to act sooner.
For the lust that grows stronger.
And for him to feel greater.
In a night that gets colder.
Colder than snow in a winter.

The eagle cornered the prey.
Making her his one and only.
The eagle wants it so badly.
Looking at her obsessively.
The prey hand it openly.
Deceived by the eagle so blindly.
And the eagle has taken his prey victoriously.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Go. Follow that Dream.

When I was a kid,  my only dream was to be able to fly in a plane and go to many places. We are not rich and the plane ticket before was too pricey, my parents can't afford it (maybe they can but it was not just the priority at that time). When I told my mom about it, and I cannot forget what she told me up to this days, it is still my driving force to still live that dream. She said, "When you grow up and have a job, and you will have a salary of course then you can easily afford to buy that plane ticket and go wherever you want to go." After my mom died, I told myself I will go see places for mom, though she's not with me physically, I know she is with me in my heart wherever I go. This video here 👇(see links below), inspired me to share to you my story. It may not make sense to some but I hope it make sense to few.

So, go follow that dream of yours. Make that someone or something be your motivation to reach that goal. Go follow your heart and be an inspiration to everyone you meet along the way. Just enjoy the ride even if it gets bumpy sometimes, I tell you, it is all worth it. 😘😘

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

To the Girl Who Trust Too Much

To the girl who trust too much. 
Go on, trust people. 
Trust them until they give you reason not to.
Trust them with all your heart. 
Trust them because everybody deserves to be trusted. 
Trust them til they value the trust you put into them. 
Trust them til they won't lie to you anymore.
Trust them til it becomes easier for them to trust.
Trust them so that they will trust you back. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

6 Signs It's Time To Think About Quitting Your Job

Quitting a job is not an easy decision to make. A job is a vital part of our life. Though for some a job is just a job and for some the world revolves around their job. Whatever you decide on wherever category a job fits  into your life, it is up to you. But when you are not happy doing what your doing and just keeping it for the sake of having it, (maybe because of the bills that are due at the end of the month, or for the money you owe from a friend last month) I suggest you think about these signs that it is time to think about quitting your job and find something that will make you happy and at the same time satisfied, better yet find a job that will make your heart sing with pure joy and fulfillment.

1.) When happiness is so far away.
When you are not happy, not feeling fulfilled in whatever your doing, not looking forward to be going to work or feeling like your work is a burden to you then I guess it is time to think about quitting. Why keep a job that is only stressing you? You deserve more than that. You owe that to yourself. Happiness is a choice. You can do something about it.

2.) When negativity is everywhere.
It is time to think about quitting your job when you can't seem to find the positive side of what your doing, like going to the office and all you can see is the negative side of everything, where it be in yourself or in the people around you. When all your motivations and aspirations before are not making sense anymore. Your job should motivates, aspire and challenges you.  You have probably outgrown your job. And that is a big no-no!!

3.) When you are not friends with anyone anymore.
When you dont like making friends with your colleagues anymore, it may be new or old ones then it is time to broader your horizon. Good interpersonal relationship in an organization/company is a very vital tool in making a company successful. There should be team work and team effort and it will not be realized if you are not friends with anyone in your office. You are now a liability in your company, instead of an asset. It is not good to them and to you as well. And your company don't deserve that.

4.) When your will is not there anymore.
When your willingness to do whatever it takes to help make your job a success is not there anymore, then it is time to think about quitting that job. Why bother work if you will not give your 100 percent best? Better to call it quits than to be doing the job but only half done. In everything you do, do it with all your heart and soul.

5.) When you're ineffective.
When you feel like you are not effective and you are not giving your all, then it is really time to think about quitting that job. It is like filling up a galloon of water with a hole in the bottom of it.

6.) When quitting comes in mind frequently.
When the thought of quitting comes frequently and you always find yourself wondering about the "what ifs", then it is time to think about quitting that job. Go out there and find for yourself the answers to the what ifs. You never know, it will be the best answer you will ever find in your life.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

A Love Letter from Me to You. ( Enchanted to Meet You )

A year ago, in one of my lowest days of my life, your handsome face popped up on my computer screen. You may call it coincidence but I am always a believer of - "There's no such thing as coincidence, everything happens for a reason". Since then, though your thousand miles away, you became the sunshine in my cloudy past nine months, the reason I smiled even in those times I cannot find any reason to smile to. I'm not even in myself for the past months. Put a wall to myself to family and friends, been bitchy to my colleagues at work, ignoring and taking friends for granted but despite of all those chaos in my mind and heart, whenever I see you (and not that often though ) you made me feel happy and excited and hopeful and be patient in God's working progress in my life, that this too shall pass and that the sun will shine on me again and I will be back to my old 'worry-not.-God's-got-this-self'. I was fascinated by you. I was interested in every little thing you do. You made the waiting process worthwhile. You helped lessen the burden. I really don' t know what I saw in you that caught my attention, maybe I am just a sucker of a pretty face or we just really meant to be (Hahahaha!) Anyway, for almost a year, I always pray that I can meet you before I embark on the next chapter of my life, that you will take a vacation and come home so that I can see you in person. And you really did!! Such an Answered Prayer!
And then came the time that I finally met you, and I felt butterflies all over me and my hands were shaking! Crap!! The whole time I was telling myself that I should keep my thoughts together coz it is such a shame on my part! Was really really enchanted meeting you.. felt a lot better even I was having a flu at that time.. adrenaline came rushing in.. it's more than meeting Bianca Gonzalez!.. even wishing to myself that time would stop. I like seeing/watching you (now I sound creepy!) But the moment went by and then your gone and soon will be thousand miles away again.. and I will be back to watching you from a distance..but it is just ok.. I am just fine with that 'coz at the moment I don't think I am ready yet to be in what more could have been with you and me.

I am just praying that You and I will meet somewhere in the future.. mature and better and will have a chance to expore this butterflies that I always felt whenever I see you.

See you somewhere, someday. Go live and enjoy life to the fullest!

P.S. Please don't be in love with someone else and do think of me too..


Monday, June 30, 2014

Date a Girl Who...

Date a girl who loves sports. there's something cool about a girl who loves sports, she can be your best buddy watching a basketball game or the world cup, cheering for your favorite team or she can be your worst nightmare when your rooting the opposing team, but it will just add more fun in your relationship... there is something romantic in arguing with the one you love anyway..sometimes... And importanty, you speak the same language.

Date a girl who loves racing... a girl who loves adrenaline rush, who loves challenges, she may put you up to your limit...she may even get into your ego but I tell you, she is all worth it. When you get hold of her and understand that there is a soft heart behind that "adrenaline-rush-junkie-persona" girl that she's protraying and too proud to admit her weak side..when you break that... when you worm will be the proudest man alive and will be humbled to get to see and love the real girl who loves racing.

Date a girl who loves to travel... a girl who would save up just to experience the other side of the world, a girl who is contented with a plain tees, shorts and a flipflops, a girl who would appreciate the simple yet amazing beauty of life that most of us has just taken for granted... a girl who sees the world a vast place for learning and trying to learn in everything, a girl who would understand the reason behind everything.. will it be a right or wrong doings . What is in there for you..? Well, she will just be the girl who will understand and see right through you and will try her very best to understand and be right for you because she has seen, learned and understood a lot of things through her travels. Isn't she just right for you...?

Date a girl who reads... a girl who shut down everything when she is with her priceless possesions, books. A girl who finds peace and serenity in a library or even in a book shop, a girl who ideate a prince charming and believe in "happily-ever-after", a girl who will see her man as her "knight in shinning armour". Why would you love her...? It is simply because a girl who loves to read would do anything to be a kind and a perfect princess to be able to have her prince charming and will put extra effort to fight the witches in your relationship just because she do believe that those witches is just a plot, just like one of her books and there will be a happily ever after.

So, are you dating one of them..? Or are you one of those who are lucky enough to find a girl who loves all the above...? And if you find the girl, don't let her go. And when you finally got the girl, don't blow her up.

This post was inspired by.... "Date a girl who travels" by Aleah Taboclaon.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Letting Go.

Letting go. Easier said than done. 

But there are things that we have to let go, even things that we may feel we can't live without. It may hurt us for a while, we may even think it's the end of the world for a period of time but we can't have it all in this lifetime. Letting go is a hard and a slow process. There are times that you are so convinced in yourself that you have to let go of that certain thing or whatever you're holding on for quite a while but can't just let it go, but then... you will just tell yourself maybe it's not time to let go yet, maybe the word "holding on" and "hope" will always get in the way or maybe you just can't let go because your heart knows you can't let it go, though the mind will say "enough already, you have to let it go".

Letting go is a battle between the mind that sees things in perspective and of the heart that feels and sees things in it's own way, that even you, yourself can't defined it's reasons. So the question now is... How you weigh things in the battle of letting go..                     

                                                                         Xoxo, Ypai

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Philippines may not be celebrating Thanksgiving but just wanted to share my thoughts on thanksgiving. Actually, this will be my promotional talk this coming saturday in our church.

What is Thanksgiving? According to Wikipedia, it is a national holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. Several other places around the world observe similar celebrations. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and of the second Monday of October in Canada. Thanksgiving has its historic roots in religious and cultural traditions, and has long been celebrated in a secular manner as well. Even though here in the Philippines, we don't have a national holiday for Thanksgiving, we still can celebrate it in our own way and even everyday.

Do you know how the official national Thanksgiving Day came about? It's of Sara J. Hale, the editor of the popular women's magazine Godey's Lady's Book wrote a Thanksgiving Day editorial in the September 1863 issue of her magazine. Up until that time, there had been no official National Thanksgiving Day. Her thoughts on being thankful revolved around Nehemiah 8:10 that says  "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." When the issue came off the press, she sent a copy to President Lincoln. At that time President Lincoln had bigger worries than establishing a day on which to be thankful. The country was in the middle of the Civil War. The union armies had lost battles to the confederates on many fronts. Many of his generals were worried more about the cut of their uniforms than about the young men dying under their commands. Newspaper blasted the president, no matter what he did or didn't do. Some members of the cabinet made fun of him, called him names behind his back. The presidency of the United States of America seemed to be on the verge of crumbling. Along with the country itself- not exactly the time to give thanks! President Lincoln read Mrs. Hale's editorial. And despite his political and personal troubles, on October 3, 1863, he declared the last Thursday of every November to be a nationa Thanksgiving Day.

Saying Thank you is so easy. Those two words can make all the different in another person's entire day. Maybe you remember saying thank you to your mom and dad for clean clothes, good food and just for being there when you need them. Maybe you tell the pastor thank you for a sermon well done or to a stranger whom have shown you simple act of kindness or maybe to a man who opened a door for you and the list can go on and on.. But are there people to whom you may not said thank you but whom you really appreciate for their good example, for their faithfullness, for the time and effort they give to make your life a little more comfortable- such as our deacons who arrive at church half hour early to be certain that the sanctuary is clean and is ready for worship, or to the Sabbath School teachers who study our lessons deeply for us to understand more during the discussion, or to the janitor who picks up all the messes we left after the church's services? All these people serve God just as much as the pastor who delivers the sermon or the musician who sings on the Sabbath morning.

Saying thank you is important. It helps us remember that the gifts God gives are just that - GIFTS. They aren't something we earn or even deserves, but come from the divine heart of love. We can never say thank you to God or to the one we love, often enough.

In Psalm 92:1 it says: "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord."

Being thankful is a choice, not a chance. That means, no matter what else is happening in our lives, we can choose to be thankful and discover that when we are thankful, we are happy. Therefore, we can choose to be happy by being thankful.
Make sence right?

Just like what President Lincoln did, He didn't wait until the end of the war to be thankfuk. He declared his gratitude and praise at a time when it seemed he had the least for which to be thankful. The message in Nehemiah 8:10 is just that- the joy of giving thanks to the Lord is your strength. It's easy to say thank you when everything is terrific, but when things go bad, the true joy of thankfulness gives strength - "the joy of the Lord is our strength."

"O give thanks to the Lord; for He is good: for His mercy endureth forever."
                                                                                                          -Psalm 136:1

Being thankful is a good habit to develop. So, let us all be thankful to the Lord not only for the blessings but also for the trials and tribulations that come our way.

Let us all say thank you to the people around us whom we know deserved our sinceremost thank you..

A simply thank you note will go a long way.. and include it with a smile ofcourse.

As for me, I humbly wanna THANK my 700+ people who view my blog for the past seven months... Thank you very much!!

                                                                                              Xx, Ypai 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Thank you, Lord.

Just want to say ...

For blessing me so much more than I deserved..

  For giving me more than what I wanted..

For helping me to have faith amidst everything... 

Thank you so much, LORD.

                                                                   Your Child,
                                                                    Ypai M.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Thoughts on Chris Tiu

Christopher John Alandy-Dy Tiu

Who does not  know Chris Tiu ? You can see his face on print ads, in television and of course if you are a sports fan like me, you should know who Chris Tiu is. In the world of sports Chris is a good basketball player, a team leader with high basketball IQ. In social world, Chris is not just a pretty face, he's a role model to the youth, an entrepreneur on such a young age. In fact he started his business while he is still in  college while taking up Management Engineering (one of the hardest course in Ateneo) and at the same time a student athlete. I first saw Chris Tiu in an UAAP basketball back in 2008 I believe playing for the Eagles, his good looks  got my attention and the fact that he really can play ball, he's more than just a pretty face! He won the MVP award that year by the way. Last week, as I was scrolling down his blog I got interested in his post about his speech in a graduation ceremony he attended last month. It was his first graduation speech, not that he didn't received invites it's just that he don't have the time due to his hectic schedule. As I was reading the blog, there are things that he had shared to the graduates that got my attention.. here's the excerpt of the blog
Happy Lemon (Chris' business)

(Freedom to Love)
Now, let's talk a little bit about a topic that you all love, and that is, LOVE! Maniwala kayo sa hindi, I had my first and only girlfriend when I was in high school. How many of you have boyfriends or girlfriend? (No one raises their hands! Ya right!) There's nothing wrong with being in a relationship. Love is wonderful! It gives us joy. But it is difficult and has consequences. One thing that bothers me when I watch Western movies or TV shows is how casually they portray sex among non-married couples, one night stands, and worse, teenagers and same-sex couples! I hope you guys don't believe that giving your bodies to your partners at this age is manifestation of true love! Because it isn't!

When I was playing in the UAAP for the Ateneo Blue Eagles, (you guys were probably still watching cartoons then), I had four years of disappointment and pain because we missed the championship every year. Year in and year out, I would put in so much time and effort working on my game to become a better player and a better leader. I made a lots of sacrifices and preserved through the stressful life of a student athlete. And in my 5th and last year when I was team captain as well, we finally won the much-coveted championship to the joy of the entire Ateneo community.

 What made it so sweet was the fact that we endured so many years of adversity and made so many sacrifices until our dream become a reality! Not to mention that we also defeated our arch rivals in the finals (whose name I will not mention J).

Why did I mention that? Because, true love is about the freedom to make sacrifices for one another: in the case of romantic relationships, waiting for love to be blessed in marriage. Besides by sacrificing, we also develop fortitude of spirit that will allow us to face challenges head on. Sacrifice, as I have learned in my years with the Blue Eagles, also makes the end-goal (which is success) more satisfying.

(You can read the entire blog post here

After reading this I got so kilig! Mind you, I do believe in this True Love Waits concept of love too! I felt like as if we are meant to be! hahaha (in my dreams). But kidding aside, I really wanted to share this to everyone for we may forget this values for in the world like ours today, the wrong doings may turn out right just because everybody is doing it. May we never forget the sanctity of marriage. The holiness of it. And of the little things that we may feel it's ok but actually it is not. I do not mean to condemn. I just wanted to stretch some words to think about. I myself is guilty on this little things. But we have a forgiving God, He is very much willing to accept us if only we shall come and asks forgiveness.

This blog post of Chris' changes my impression of him as a person, he is not just really a pretty face indeed (as if he doesn't have the right to brag his kagwapuhan to everyone naman) but also a deep believer of values, a christian not just in words but truly living it to the word. And now I can officially can say that Chris Tiu is my ideal man not because of his outside appearance but because of  what's inside his heart that got me into him. May he continue to inspire and be a role model to everyone.

                                                                             Xoxo, Ypai