Friday, January 5, 2018

Thoughts On Year 2017

A few days after the new year, I have not even summarized what year 2017 had been. It had gone by so fast, I still felt like I just celebrated new year and now another year passed again in a blink of an eye. But nonetheless, it was a great year.Always thankful and grateful for all the opportunities and experiences I had, may it be bad or good, it still help me become who I am today and I am still a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and where we are right now is where we should be and is preparing us to where we are meant to be.

This post is meant to be a reminder to everyone of how blessed we are, and should be grateful in where we are at the moment. We might not have all the things that we hope we have by now but please bear in mind always that we have all the things we need. We might not see them as important as they ought to be but believe me they are. We may forget to be thankful for the little things in life since they are always there, and we always tend to take them for granted. On my part, I must admit, I had a lot of complains last year that made me see the good things less. When we complain we overlook other things coz we are so focused on the negative side of things and we are not seeing the bright side of it, our perspective changed to negative outlook all the way and that makes life more challenging and complicated. It makes life harder not just for ourselves but for the people around us.

What I learned from the past year is that you cant control anything. Controlling things just make life  harder. Yet, we can control on how to react to the things that are happening to us. That's the time we have control on things, and the time that we are the ones who are in charge of our lives.
As much as how we think we had planned our lives or thought that things should be that way or this way, it will never be that way. Life has its own unique way of teaching us the hows and whys of it.
It will hit us hard, knock us out by surprise but when we get the hang of it, learned to dance with it, its more easier for us to play and decide what we want in our lives. It may take some time for us to be at peace with where we are right now, but its just alright, no one gets this life figured out. We are all still writing the pages of our own story. Remember also that it will take hundreds of pages to make a good story, so just continue writing your story, maybe you are just in the beginning or midway, as long as you are still writing, you are doing fine. Continue writing beautiful, kind and heartwarming story that someday the world would like to read.

In the past year I also learned to not give a damn and just live my life as it is. People will always have something to say assumed things, even if they don't know the whole story and we cannot do anything about it.The way people treat you reflects who they are, the way you treat people reflects who you are. It is as simple as that. You cannot please anyone and it is alright, not all people likes you anyway, that's how life is. As long as you are not taking advantage or abusing someone, you are fine. Walk away from people that takes away your peace of mind. Be at peace with yourself and believe in the power that is bigger than you. Have faith in whatever that makes you believe in far greater than what you are seeing or experiencing. Believe in God. Believe in your God. Have faith. Faith in God. And lastly, PRAY.

In conclusion, 2017 was a year of growth, hope, faith, and love. Thank you for the year that it was, for all the smiles, laughter, trials, blessings, craziness, guts, leap of faith and for awesome people that made life more interesting this year.


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