Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts

Sunday, October 15, 2017

By Taking Your Hand

By taking your hand,
I went to a whole new world.
A world I never thought would exist for me.
A world where fairytales seems so likely.
Dreams turned into reality.
And am feeling giggly.
You made butterflies fly.
Fireworks light up the sky.
You became my sole light.

But like anything that's new,
In a world that's all brand new,
I suddenly don't know what to do.
I doubted what YOU and I can do.
I lost sight of the bright side,
Focused on the downside.
Insecurities cut deep,
Deep enough to made it slip.
And just like that I lost you,
In a way that I never meant to.

You said,
Fly high and you'll reach the sky,
Spread your wings and you'll soar high.
But for me to learn to fly,
Like beautiful birds up in the sky.
You did what you have to do.
We flew high and then U let go...

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Fly my Eagle and Smile.

The Eagle wants to fly.
He wants to soar high
and leave it all behind.
He doesn't belong here.
It's not his home.
He wants to be freed.

But it feels good to be here.
There's a pleasure in being chained.
An addictive kind of pleasure.
But a very deadly one.
The eagle knows what he wants.
It's not in here.
The eagle is struggling.
Painful freedom or chained pleasure?

The eagle has to decide.
And soon.
The eagle knows it's now or never.
Or else he will be doomed.
Will the eagle fly high and smile?
I wish the eagle will fly and smile.
And soar high in clear blue sky.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Will He..? He WILL.

You can't ignore him.
He carry himself like an eagle.
A predator.
He knows his prey.
He talks with authority.
He tells you what he wants.
And gets what he wants.

His looks so deadly.
Blue-green eyes stares possessively.
Smiles meant to tempt.
Laughs meant to lure.
Jokes to make you fall.
Teases sweetly.
And loves passionately.

But deep down, there's a story.
A well hidden story.
A mystery like chemistry.
Or was it a plot?
A plot to hunt me surely.
Will I be his last prey?

Will he haunt me?  He WILL.