Thursday, August 27, 2015

6 Signs It's Time To Think About Quitting Your Job

Quitting a job is not an easy decision to make. A job is a vital part of our life. Though for some a job is just a job and for some the world revolves around their job. Whatever you decide on wherever category a job fits  into your life, it is up to you. But when you are not happy doing what your doing and just keeping it for the sake of having it, (maybe because of the bills that are due at the end of the month, or for the money you owe from a friend last month) I suggest you think about these signs that it is time to think about quitting your job and find something that will make you happy and at the same time satisfied, better yet find a job that will make your heart sing with pure joy and fulfillment.

1.) When happiness is so far away.
When you are not happy, not feeling fulfilled in whatever your doing, not looking forward to be going to work or feeling like your work is a burden to you then I guess it is time to think about quitting. Why keep a job that is only stressing you? You deserve more than that. You owe that to yourself. Happiness is a choice. You can do something about it.

2.) When negativity is everywhere.
It is time to think about quitting your job when you can't seem to find the positive side of what your doing, like going to the office and all you can see is the negative side of everything, where it be in yourself or in the people around you. When all your motivations and aspirations before are not making sense anymore. Your job should motivates, aspire and challenges you.  You have probably outgrown your job. And that is a big no-no!!

3.) When you are not friends with anyone anymore.
When you dont like making friends with your colleagues anymore, it may be new or old ones then it is time to broader your horizon. Good interpersonal relationship in an organization/company is a very vital tool in making a company successful. There should be team work and team effort and it will not be realized if you are not friends with anyone in your office. You are now a liability in your company, instead of an asset. It is not good to them and to you as well. And your company don't deserve that.

4.) When your will is not there anymore.
When your willingness to do whatever it takes to help make your job a success is not there anymore, then it is time to think about quitting that job. Why bother work if you will not give your 100 percent best? Better to call it quits than to be doing the job but only half done. In everything you do, do it with all your heart and soul.

5.) When you're ineffective.
When you feel like you are not effective and you are not giving your all, then it is really time to think about quitting that job. It is like filling up a galloon of water with a hole in the bottom of it.

6.) When quitting comes in mind frequently.
When the thought of quitting comes frequently and you always find yourself wondering about the "what ifs", then it is time to think about quitting that job. Go out there and find for yourself the answers to the what ifs. You never know, it will be the best answer you will ever find in your life.

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