Sunday, June 21, 2015

A Love Letter from Me to You. ( Enchanted to Meet You )

A year ago, in one of my lowest days of my life, your handsome face popped up on my computer screen. You may call it coincidence but I am always a believer of - "There's no such thing as coincidence, everything happens for a reason". Since then, though your thousand miles away, you became the sunshine in my cloudy past nine months, the reason I smiled even in those times I cannot find any reason to smile to. I'm not even in myself for the past months. Put a wall to myself to family and friends, been bitchy to my colleagues at work, ignoring and taking friends for granted but despite of all those chaos in my mind and heart, whenever I see you (and not that often though ) you made me feel happy and excited and hopeful and be patient in God's working progress in my life, that this too shall pass and that the sun will shine on me again and I will be back to my old 'worry-not.-God's-got-this-self'. I was fascinated by you. I was interested in every little thing you do. You made the waiting process worthwhile. You helped lessen the burden. I really don' t know what I saw in you that caught my attention, maybe I am just a sucker of a pretty face or we just really meant to be (Hahahaha!) Anyway, for almost a year, I always pray that I can meet you before I embark on the next chapter of my life, that you will take a vacation and come home so that I can see you in person. And you really did!! Such an Answered Prayer!
And then came the time that I finally met you, and I felt butterflies all over me and my hands were shaking! Crap!! The whole time I was telling myself that I should keep my thoughts together coz it is such a shame on my part! Was really really enchanted meeting you.. felt a lot better even I was having a flu at that time.. adrenaline came rushing in.. it's more than meeting Bianca Gonzalez!.. even wishing to myself that time would stop. I like seeing/watching you (now I sound creepy!) But the moment went by and then your gone and soon will be thousand miles away again.. and I will be back to watching you from a distance..but it is just ok.. I am just fine with that 'coz at the moment I don't think I am ready yet to be in what more could have been with you and me.

I am just praying that You and I will meet somewhere in the future.. mature and better and will have a chance to expore this butterflies that I always felt whenever I see you.

See you somewhere, someday. Go live and enjoy life to the fullest!

P.S. Please don't be in love with someone else and do think of me too..


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