Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Now is the Time.

After a year of being a "lazy-cat", a year of no exercise done, junk-food-all-you-can, not a week without drinking soda (coke float in that matter) and all little things that is not good for the body... I came to realized that I was living a not so good lifestyle! Thanks goodness, as we get older we tend to be aware and gives important to the simple/basic thing yet a very vital part of our life.. our HEALTH! We are now willing to listen and hear every reminder our parents told us years ago, to the books we like to read but not really applying it and also thanks to social media that constantly motivating and inspiring us to have an active and healthy lifestyle. Maybe it is really about getting old that you get to see things in different perspective, in a mature way kind of perspective anyway.

Actually, a YouTube documentary in titled "Going the Distance" which is written and directed by one of the people I looked up to in social media and in the modelling industry, Isabelle Daza that made me see this things. Stumbled upon her docabout being a triathlete, a short inspiring documentary that made me realized that an active and healthy lifestyle is one way of reducing stress and will help you become the better you for when you are healthy, you see thinks in a positive way and thinks rationally and clearly.
Here is the docu video of Belle...


So.. are you inspired already?
Are you feeling bad of yourself with all the junks you gave your body?
Are you now ready to start living a healthier lifestyle for a better you?
If so, start living it now!
Easier said than done but if with enough courage and will power, WE CAN DO IT!
As what Belle had said in the docu... "Training (it may be in exercise or a balanced diet) is about how long you're willing to endure the pain.
Why I wrote a blog about this?
Because I wanna be one with Ms. Belle's advocacy to help motivate people especially the younger generation to live an active lifestyle.


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