Thursday, December 31, 2015

People of my Year 2015

The year 2015 went by in a blur. With all the things that had happened in the past year, it kinda hard to face a  new year and start somewhere coz I myself dont know where to start. Quarter life crisis had hit me, I believed. So instead of sulking myself in  I started it with a thinking that I am going to start something new and different this year. Wanted to move abroad and change job for career and self growth. I felt that I was not growing anymore as a person. I felt stuck for whatever reason. And so with my Dad's permission (finally) ,with the help of friends and family, and ofcourse with the guidance and will of the One up above..I booked that ticket, quit my job and moved to Dubai. Moving abroad is easy I can say that, but staying abroad, adjusting how to live abroad, outside of your comfort zone, outside of all the too familiar things you were used to.. its a big different / difficult for that matter. But it wouldnt be called a beautiful journey if there were no ups and downs on it. It was a hard past three months, but it was not all bad, many things had happened that made me who I am today. Met many people, in all walks of life, different color and nationalities, made new friends that makes life colorful. Even surprised that there are many people who will always be there for you, no matter what. 
So, as 2015 culminates, let me share to you the people who made my 2015 an awesome one no matter what.

AH-D Family

I've known this people for some time now, been part of my five year journey in our institution, many of them seen me grow not just physically, emotionally and most specially  spiritually. With them I've shared many ups and downs of my life. Colleagues at first but now I am proud to call friends. Friends who will always have a special place in my heart. I miss you, guys! We may be far from each other but please remember, I am still and will always be the same Ypai, no matter what the circumstances that had come our ways. Thank you for making me felt that I had been part of the AHD family for the past five years. I will always be grateful for all the experiences, may it be bad or good. God bless always, AH-D Family! :)

Baesaney, Ehdz and Phil

We've been friends for 7 years now, right? And there is a saying that if your friendship passed the 7th year mark, you will be friends for life. And I am excited for that, for our future adventures and get togethers, for talks about life in general and of all our dreams still. I was so jealous of the Camiguin escapade but I am here and you are there, hehe Anyway, thank you for the summer memories that we had this year, hoping to make more memories like that in the future. God bless always and stay happy and always enjoy being married to two of the most awesome men I know. 

Friends for Better or for Worst

Friends who are always on your side every step of the way. Friends who are always there.
Friends who knows they are needed though you hadn't said a       thing.
Friends who knows that you are sad though you are smiling.
Friends who checks on you from time to time just to make sure you are doing fine.
Friends who defies timezone just to answer your messages.
Friends who sends you money when you're broke. :)
Friends who argues and get angry with you for all the crap that you are doing in your life.
Friends who smiles and be in love with you when your in love.
Friends who support you in every desicion that you make.
Friends who encourages you when your down.
Friends who fix you when your broken.
I could go on and on.. 
And I am very thankful, grateful and blessed to have friends like you guys. Thousand miles apart but it didnt hinder our friendship. I am so lucky to have you as my friends. I might not see you in person that often but thanks to technology, we  still keep in touch. Once again, THANK YOU for making my journey bearable. Wishing you all a healthy, blessed, bountiful, sweet and full of love 2016!! :)

The Cutie Kiddos

They say that you will appreciate kids when you are old already. Ok, fine. I am getting older already, but how can you resist these such cutie kiddos? These kids made my 2015 more fun and enjoyable and I missed them terribly. I am the number one liker and stalker of their fb pics. They literally brighten my day whenever I saw a pic of them. Hope to see and play with these kids soon. To these cutie kiddos may you grow beautifully inside out. 

Room 218

My flatmates and new found friends here. Thank you for accepting me, though you always bully me, but I can take that heheThank you also for making me part of the family already, I don't know what or where I'm gonna be next year but very much  appreciated all the encouraging remarks and efforts helping me find a job. And I and Edong will find a job soon. (Actually, its a note to self to us). P.S. Thank you for all the gifts and chocolates last christmas!! SHUHADA :)

UpYoung and Family

Cousin/Guardian/Sponsor/Family here in Dubai. Thank you for making my dream to be here a reality and also for adopting me here. I promise to be a good girl and will always be in great debt for what you've done. Thank you very much! God bless always and have a bountiful and blessed new year! :)


No matter what happens, family is family. We may be thousand miles apart but please know that you are always in my heart and thoughts. We may not talk that often but I am with you always. Thank you for supporting me in every decesions that I made. Thank you also for always praying on me. Take care always and hope to see you all soon. 

Sonsona-Sharjah Family

Thank you for adopting me, whenever I am in Sharjah.
And also thank you for always reminding me to always pray and just trust in the Plans of God.
Thank you for reminding to go to church always.
And that in Gods time, everything will fall into place.
Happy new year and God bless always! :)

To whoever that makes me smile

Thank you for making me smile always.
Thank you for pushing me to my limits.
Thank you for the encouragement.
Thank you for the peace of mind.
Thank you for all the efforts and sacrifices.
Thank you for the time.
Thank you for just being there and being you.
Thank you, thank you for the LOVE. 

Jesus Christ

I know You have a beautiful picture painted for me. I may not see it clearly now but I know I can see it soon. Thank you for all the things that happened in my life this 2015. It is a beautiful life. Thank you, thank you for your LOVE.