Monday, May 6, 2013

Thoughts on Chris Tiu

Christopher John Alandy-Dy Tiu

Who does not  know Chris Tiu ? You can see his face on print ads, in television and of course if you are a sports fan like me, you should know who Chris Tiu is. In the world of sports Chris is a good basketball player, a team leader with high basketball IQ. In social world, Chris is not just a pretty face, he's a role model to the youth, an entrepreneur on such a young age. In fact he started his business while he is still in  college while taking up Management Engineering (one of the hardest course in Ateneo) and at the same time a student athlete. I first saw Chris Tiu in an UAAP basketball back in 2008 I believe playing for the Eagles, his good looks  got my attention and the fact that he really can play ball, he's more than just a pretty face! He won the MVP award that year by the way. Last week, as I was scrolling down his blog I got interested in his post about his speech in a graduation ceremony he attended last month. It was his first graduation speech, not that he didn't received invites it's just that he don't have the time due to his hectic schedule. As I was reading the blog, there are things that he had shared to the graduates that got my attention.. here's the excerpt of the blog
Happy Lemon (Chris' business)

(Freedom to Love)
Now, let's talk a little bit about a topic that you all love, and that is, LOVE! Maniwala kayo sa hindi, I had my first and only girlfriend when I was in high school. How many of you have boyfriends or girlfriend? (No one raises their hands! Ya right!) There's nothing wrong with being in a relationship. Love is wonderful! It gives us joy. But it is difficult and has consequences. One thing that bothers me when I watch Western movies or TV shows is how casually they portray sex among non-married couples, one night stands, and worse, teenagers and same-sex couples! I hope you guys don't believe that giving your bodies to your partners at this age is manifestation of true love! Because it isn't!

When I was playing in the UAAP for the Ateneo Blue Eagles, (you guys were probably still watching cartoons then), I had four years of disappointment and pain because we missed the championship every year. Year in and year out, I would put in so much time and effort working on my game to become a better player and a better leader. I made a lots of sacrifices and preserved through the stressful life of a student athlete. And in my 5th and last year when I was team captain as well, we finally won the much-coveted championship to the joy of the entire Ateneo community.

 What made it so sweet was the fact that we endured so many years of adversity and made so many sacrifices until our dream become a reality! Not to mention that we also defeated our arch rivals in the finals (whose name I will not mention J).

Why did I mention that? Because, true love is about the freedom to make sacrifices for one another: in the case of romantic relationships, waiting for love to be blessed in marriage. Besides by sacrificing, we also develop fortitude of spirit that will allow us to face challenges head on. Sacrifice, as I have learned in my years with the Blue Eagles, also makes the end-goal (which is success) more satisfying.

(You can read the entire blog post here

After reading this I got so kilig! Mind you, I do believe in this True Love Waits concept of love too! I felt like as if we are meant to be! hahaha (in my dreams). But kidding aside, I really wanted to share this to everyone for we may forget this values for in the world like ours today, the wrong doings may turn out right just because everybody is doing it. May we never forget the sanctity of marriage. The holiness of it. And of the little things that we may feel it's ok but actually it is not. I do not mean to condemn. I just wanted to stretch some words to think about. I myself is guilty on this little things. But we have a forgiving God, He is very much willing to accept us if only we shall come and asks forgiveness.

This blog post of Chris' changes my impression of him as a person, he is not just really a pretty face indeed (as if he doesn't have the right to brag his kagwapuhan to everyone naman) but also a deep believer of values, a christian not just in words but truly living it to the word. And now I can officially can say that Chris Tiu is my ideal man not because of his outside appearance but because of  what's inside his heart that got me into him. May he continue to inspire and be a role model to everyone.

                                                                             Xoxo, Ypai

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