Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day. A day in a year that gives opportunity to all children  to give tribute to the most important woman in our life. A day to say thank you to our mother. We might have taken them for granted in the past, we might have said words that hurt their feelings. But on this  day, we shall make an effort to make our moms extra special. It should not have to be that grant for it's the pureness of it that will counts the most. It could be little and simple things. Little things like saying thank you for all the things she had done unto us,  a simple appreciation note for all the sacrifices she'd made, a hug or a kiss will surely made our moms' day. Saying I love you to them is truly enough. Little and simple yet pure acts of love will surely be appreciated a hundred times by our moms.

As for me, it has been 3 years, since my mom passed away. She had cancer. I  do miss my mom so much. I still cry at night just thinking of her. It still hurts but I know she is now in a better place. To my beloved Mama Omit, thank you for putting all our wants and needs before yours... thank you for all the sacrifices and all the hard works just to supply our daily needs... thank you also for spoiling us in everything that was within your power. My mom was a superwoman. A screwed businesswoman. A loving wife to my dad. And most specially a generous mother to us. My mom is the kind of mom that will do everything for her kids. So proud of my mom. She may not be with us in our future journeys in life.. but I know in my heart that she is proud to call us her children.. all three of us... Mom, your a huge part of what we are right now.. we owe this things to you and dad for raising us up wonderfully... the foundation of values that you'd taught us when we were kids will forever be in us and we will be forever grateful to you for that. 

Mom and Dad
I love you, Mom.. Hope we are living up to your expectations and dreams right now... miss you so much...  you are always be in our hearts.. I will try to "Go for what I want to do in life". (that was my mom's line) always a supporter of whatever we do or planning to do. 

In conclusion to this post, I just want you to give more value to your mom 'coz it's so hard living without them, the world will never be the same, there will always be something missing in your heart. And to those kids like me.. WE CAN DO IT... I know it is hard but we'll get by with God's help and guidance.. All things work together for good.. has always been my motto in life.. just hang on in here and be good always for one day we shall all meet our moms in that heavenly kingdom where there are no sorrows and death.. 

I don't want to end this on a sad note... So, here's a video of cute kids paying tribute to their moms.
Enjoy and do greet your mom a Happy Mother's Day!

                                                                                                xx, Ypai :)

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