Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Fall For Someone Who...

Fall for someone who you can call HOME.

Fall for someone who will text you Good Morning and Good Night. Someone who's day will not be complete without it.

Fall for someone who will make time for you, not someone who will just see you when they're free.

Fall for someone who will not say, I'm busy.

Fall for someone who sees your need even before you do.

Fall for someone who will tell you they are mad at you.

Fall for someone who sees you like you were magic.

Fall for someone who will not make you think that love is hard.

Fall for someone who you can laugh with all your grossness.

Fall for someone who loves your weirdness.

Fall for someone who tolerates your craziness yet scolds you when you've gone too far.

Fall for someone who encourages you to be a better version of who you are.

Fall for someone who not only wants you for sex.

Fall for someone who says SORRY.

Fall for someone who's not afraid to show you their feelings.

Fall for someone who's not afraid to cry in front of you.

Fall for someone who makes you say I LOVE YOU like it's a given.

But most importantly, fall for someone who LOVES YOU. Sometimes, having someone who LOVES YOU is more than just enough.

And when you've finally found that someone, please love him like he does and take good care of him.

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