Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Ramadan: Do's and Don'ts

Since I am living in a Muslim country and it is Ramadan season, I decided to write a short guidelines of the Do's and Don'ts for non-muslims during Ramadan.

No eating and drinking in public.
Muslims fast from dawn til dusk, meaning they are not allowed to eat nor drink on this time. And as a respect to them, do not eat or drink in public places for they might see you and it's kinda disrespectful.

Dress Modestly.
As much as possible, women must wear clothes that covers the shoulders and knees.

Yeah, we get it. You two are so in love, but please no PDAs during Ramadan please., you might get into trouble doing it.

Respect Prayer Time.
If you see someone praying, please do not disturb them or make noise near them, worst don't make fun of them.

Say YES to Iftar.
If a Muslim friend invites you to have Iftar (it is the meal that breaks the fast) it is impolite to say NO.

May the spirit of Ramadan be upon us, not just during the season but in our day to day life.

Ramadan Mubarak!! :-)

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