Thursday, January 12, 2017

Go. Follow that Dream.

When I was a kid,  my only dream was to be able to fly in a plane and go to many places. We are not rich and the plane ticket before was too pricey, my parents can't afford it (maybe they can but it was not just the priority at that time). When I told my mom about it, and I cannot forget what she told me up to this days, it is still my driving force to still live that dream. She said, "When you grow up and have a job, and you will have a salary of course then you can easily afford to buy that plane ticket and go wherever you want to go." After my mom died, I told myself I will go see places for mom, though she's not with me physically, I know she is with me in my heart wherever I go. This video here 👇(see links below), inspired me to share to you my story. It may not make sense to some but I hope it make sense to few.

So, go follow that dream of yours. Make that someone or something be your motivation to reach that goal. Go follow your heart and be an inspiration to everyone you meet along the way. Just enjoy the ride even if it gets bumpy sometimes, I tell you, it is all worth it. 😘😘

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