Thursday, September 12, 2013

Silver... Shinier Than Gold

We may not win the gold medal of the recent FIBA Asia Championships, a silver medal is more than enough. Booking that Spain 2014 World Cup slot is a great honor already. Putting Philippines in the world Map of basketball again after thirty plus years is such an achievement, more than a gold medal, it's shinier than gold.

Thank you Gilas Pilipinas! Thank you for all your sacrifices, being away from your family for training camps, for not giving up despite criticisms and doubts, for making us believe that if we dream big,  put our hearts to it, and work on it, nothing is impossible.

And most especially, thank you Gilas for showing the whole world that we are a Christian nation, thank you for taking time to pray and asked our Father above for guidance and not ashamed showing it. Got so emotional seeing the guys looking above, saying thank you to the Lord after beating Korea. Took time praying as a group before celebrating with the crowd.

Also thank you coach Chot Reyes for making that World Cup dream a reality. That you for standing up for the Gilas team. Thank you for drawing that wonderful game plan against the Korean team that caught them off guard.

Just like in our daily life, we need a coach who is willing to teach, mold and willing to draw plans for us to become a champion in life. And thankfully, we always have a champion Coach above who is unconditionally willing to teach and guide us if only we are willing to follow and execute His instructions and fully trust His (will) game plan for us.

And lastly, let me share to you what Larry Fonacier had twitted after the game.

Not to us O Lord not to us, But to Your name, give glory Because of Your loving kindness, because of Your truth. Psalms 115:1

                                                                                                              xx, Ypai

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