Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Throwback Tuesday Post (The 2012 London Olympics)

Last night as I was watching the Sochi Winter Olympics that is going on right now in Russia, I remember my rambling notes about the 2012 London Olympics...and since I still don't have a blog yet at that time..I just wrote it dowm on my old pocketnotebook.. And since today is throwback tuesday for me, it is just timely to post it here...So,here it is! My 2012 London Olympics post...

Had to woke up 4 in the morning just to witnessed the 30th Olympics opening ceremony. And indeed, the ceremony met my expectations...the history and culture of Great Britain was well reflected on how they have shown it in the making of the five olympic rings which is a representation of the five continents. And we were all taken aback as Her Majesty and James Bond took off with a sophisticated british chopper from the palace and flew all over downtown London, just a great way to show off the breathtaking London view at night! And ofcourse, who wouldn't be moved with what the NHS (National Health Services) had presented, showing the whole world what service with compassion means. Giving us all a glimpse of the soft side of Great Britain. A salute also on how much they recognized thier citizen who brought pride to their country by making them part of the ceremony..personalities like J.K Rowlings, Robert Atkinson, Sir Paul McCartney and David Beckham! But what impresses me most is the fact that the ceremony is not just about showing something big to impress the world..Great Britain wanted make a point..A point like equality of men and women..as what we have seen many flag beares are women..a recognition of fairness..they also gave children with disabilities a chance to shine in their own way as they sang the national anthem..and for me that was a heart warming act. They also gave recognition to individuals, appreciated every achievements achieved. And lastly, the highlight of the ceremony is the torch lighting..they break tradition just to show us something to ponder to...instead of lighting the torch in one they made it into small single torch that when lighted together it becomes a big magnificient torch...and by doing that they gave us something that was all in us...giving us the sense of unity..that WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER kind of thing..telling the world that each one of us plays a major role in every way, it's what the individual torch is all about, represented each of us in this big chaotic world. And I'm sure that that beautifully designrd torch will very much simplify the true meaning of the Olympics. UNITY. Love for Sports. Fair Play. Love for Mankind.

And as an end to this post... United we fall, united we stand...
I so love sports!!!

                                                                                                            Xoxo, Ypai

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