Friday, January 10, 2014

People Of My Year 2013

In tradition of Times Magazine and of Bianca Gonzalez' "People Of  The Year" annual blog post. I am making my own lists of the people that made my 2013 an awesome year.
Here it is...

My Davao Adventist Hospital Nursing Service Department Family.

For four years now I've been part of DAH family and am so thankful and blessed for meeting these people, shared some of my most ups and down experiences in the past years.. they helped me become who I am right now.. Thank you very much guys from the bottom of my heart! Will forever be grateful to have known you all...!

My Northern Friendship Friends.


I am so blessed this year for I was able to travel not just here in Mindanao but also in the Northern part of Luzon.. and so came the name Northern Friendship.. these guys made my birthday celebration such a blast.. learned a thing or two from these people.. it's a multi-cultured friendship that despite of our differences, we blended well enough to made such a fantabulous travel experience!

My Mt. Apo Team.  

These people helped me conquered and survived Mt. Apo as if it's just a stroll in the park.. they made it so easy for me to reach the peak.. I never thought I can crossed out that bucketlist of mine with not enough training..! but these guys were so amazing and understandable... A million thanks to you guys! Cheers!!!!

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Donguila.

I think I can say that I witnessed the SugaRye love story blossomed from courting to their not so secret "secret wedding" (hehehe pardon the word) and being part of the team that kinda prepared the wedding this year.. Later part of the year though my friendship to them got really close not just socially but also spiritually and that's the best part of our it.. they made me closer to God.. And also thank you for always letting me eat in your house! hahaha What a 2013 for us! Hoping for more free meals in 2014!!! hahaha

Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Olbes.


My new housemates and it is so fun living with them! The ever-so-passive-give-and-take kind of relationship this couple has made me realized that friendship is a big factor in a successful marriage...Thank you for entrusting me to be your housemate..!! 

Ms. Bianca Gonzalez.

The reason why I am into blogging, the reason why I pursued my passion in travelling and the reason why I am trying to see things in a positive inspired by Bianca about her passion in traveling and in doing a lot of things but still manages to give time to be with her family...I wish I can be atleast half of what she has achieve not necessary in the career part but in how she looks at life in a positive way and not be discouraged by the failures that life brings..but instead look at it as a lesson that will mold us... to make us stronger.. Thank you for inspiring me to had a FEARLESS 2013! Still thinking on what my theme this year though... :)

Ms. Tin Gamboa.

The girl who loves basketball, shorts, t-shirts, jerseys, hoodies, caps and Jordans! Me na Me!!!! This girl really can rock the basketball world... she knows basketball...!!

My Family.

Ofcourse.. My Family. They will always be in my list... my inspiration, my strength, my everything... I am who I am right now because of them and I am very blessed to have a family that supports and loves me for who I am.. for accepting my failures, imperfections and shortcomings.. Thank you for being there always! Love you so much Papa, Epoy and Kang!


Ahmm...Yeah... You're part of my list... Thank you!! :)

My God Almighty.

These and many more sums Him up...

Thank you for giving me an awesome 2013, Lord.

                                               Xoxo, Ypai

1 comment:

  1. Nice one pie!! Keep it up.. live life at your fullest!! Love,live,eat,be happy and have faith to God..
