Thursday, August 8, 2013

New Found Friends

Who would have thought that ten multicultured people from all around the globe would meet in a bus station and shared a once-in-a-lifetime, awesome, fun-filled, crazy adventure together! In a rainy afternoon of July 24, 2013, the fun-filled, crazy adventure of the ten multicultured weirdos has begun. A year ago, a b-day getaway was planned. I always wanted to go to Sagada because of the great reviews by the travel bloggers. And a year after the planning of the b-day getaway, it bacame reality and I never imagine in my wildest dream that It would be that fun and memorable! Thanks for these wonderful people I met along the way and got along so pretty well even though we came from different culture and have our own stands in life. It would never be an amazing experience if it would have not been with you guys. Meeting new people has always been an interesting thing for me. Learning new things and sharing our culture with you guys was a spectacular experience, seeing you and being with you when you admire and adore Philippines makes me a proud Pilipino.

It all started at the bus station of Ohayami Trans, the only bus line that caters travellers to Banaue from the Metro. Me and my friend Cecile arrived first, straight from the airport from Davao City. While waiting for our bus to depart, there comes a group of three ladies with backpacks, so they are not locals, they are backpackers, explorers. We came to know them and found out that they are also from Davao City but are working in Korea and Dubai.. Wow! I was amazed 'coz they are working abroad and then came home to explore Pinas! They are an inspiration that we should explore our country more 'coz it's more fun in the Philippines. Then came two Japanese with HUGE HUGE backpacks! And all I thoght was "are they camping in Banaue"? hahaha yeah really! It's like they brought all their stuffs in Japan to Banaue! The Japanese guy was so friendly, smiles and all with his handy Nihonngo-English dictionary in hand. Later, we found out that they're newlyweds and came here in the Philippines to study English and will go directly to Cebu after their Banaue trip, that's why they bring all their stuffs... hehehe The bus departed at 10 in the evening,and after 8 hours of being on the road we arrived at Banaue at 6 in the morning.
Going to Batad, Banaue Rice Terraces.., we met these well travelled, smart-mouthed Israelies. They knew a lot of things and knows how to handle conversations. I had fun talking to them, learned more about Jews and some interesting facts. Broad-minded people. Then there is this silent Korean guy who came to the Philippines to study English, don't like sour food especially Sinigang and loves spicy foods! Eww Jake!

Will be posting more of this fun adventure next time!
Have to sleep now.

P.S : It was my great honor to have had celebrated my Birthday with you guys!
        Thank you to:
                       Tony and Boaz for my B-day Lemon Pie treat!
                       Ate Leah for the Mocha Girls night out!
                       Vanesa and Menen for adopting us and for the swimming and the sauna!
                        Jake for the fun van ride and all the "cheer up messages"!!
                        And most specially to Ces, thank you for accompanying me in my bday getaway!

       See you in Korea next year?!
                                                                                        xx, Ypai M.

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