Friday, August 9, 2013

Banaue: Batad Rice Terraces Trekking

Trekking the Batad Rice Terraces in Banaue was never been easy. We arrived at Banaue around 6:30 in the morning. It was not in my itinerary to trek the Batad Rice Terraces, the plan is to only take a good look of it. In the town proper itself, you already can see rice terraces but not the Batad Rice Terraces that you can see in books and in post cards, and is known as one of  UNESCO Heritage Site. Transportation to Batad is a messy business in Banaue. There are no local tourism office that you can go to. If your travelling alone, it is wiser to join a group, be friendly to the other tourists, the more people you can gather the lesser it costs. So, after all the chaos in bargaining, we finally got Kuya Blaire, a Banaue local with a jeepney who offered us a reasonable price. P150/person and we were 12 in the group. He will take us to Batad and wait for us there and bring us back town after the trekking. The road to Batad is not good I tell you, the P150 is not enough. 


End Of The 420-Steps Stairs
A 420-step stairs which they called it the shortcut! On our way back, we took the long cut 'coz we don't think that we still be able to survived that stairs.
Batad Water Falls
After the exhausting walk, we were all rewarded with this gigantic water fall and it felt so wonderful. I felt I was one with nature.
needed a break! first cramps ever!
No better place to experienced my first ever leg and foot cramps than at Batad Rice Terraces!
I called it the UNESCO classified cramps!

100 bucks worth of sardines
A friendly reminder, please bring food & water  'coz  the price there is tripled.

                                                                                                                     xx, Ypai

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