Sunday, April 28, 2013

Pleasure on the Road

Being on the road gives me such pleasure. It may be going home, going to the grocery, running errands or just traveling. I really don't know why is that, it's just that it gives me time to think on things. Time to make muni-muni on my not so colorful love life, on the plans that has been bugging my mind for the longest time, or just in there seeing places I never seen before or etc...The road is a great place to find myself. A place where I get to know more about what's happening inside me. A place where I can dream (big time! hehe). A place where I can imagine my "Happily Ever After". A place where unexpected things happened (like sitting beside a cutie guy and got to know them a little).  A place where learning is everywhere. And a place where I can relax. There was a time when I got so mad about some stuff at work and I don't want to talk to anyone yet ('coz, you know, when your mad, you might say things that you may regret when your anger calms down) I just hop on to a Jeep, no specific place in mind and then after a while things got clearer and I got calmer. The other day, when I was traveling back to the city I realized some things that may be the reason why I feel so relaxed being on the road. My dad  used to be a jeepney driver when I was still young and according to my mom and to him also even when I was a kid I would love to travel. I would just hop on to the jeepney, sat beside my dad whenever I saw him passes our house in his trip, I would go with him even though I was just wearing a not-so-presentable clothes.. haha (that's gross Pye!i know..) Maybe that is the main reason? Maybe not. But whatever reason it may be, not that curios anyway to dig down things deeper for I know in my heart that traveling is one of my passion.. a passion that I am willing to explore this year! For my theme this year is Fearless2013.

 Want to go to places that has not been explored by many people yet or those places they called "not that touristy ". In fact, just started that already, last February I went to Cebu.. will have a blog post on the trip next time. The reason anyway why I wanted  to share this  to you guys is that to encourage you to be more aware on the things that make you happy, whatever it is that gives you that joy or satisfaction, it may be just a simple thing that makes you feel so good whenever doing it... Just do it! continue doing it and make it unto something that can help you on things, can divert your negative vibes into positive vibes. Make it your inspiration on achieving that "big dreams" that for the longest time you are just keeping inside. I know this entry is a bit tricky (and a "gubot" one hahaha)  for I myself needs to have some sorting to do! Anyways, thanks for taking your time reading my not so organized blog yet, ( a newbie in here) but thank you a million!
Until my next post guys! Love love love love.....!

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