Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Ramadan: Do's and Don'ts

Since I am living in a Muslim country and it is Ramadan season, I decided to write a short guidelines of the Do's and Don'ts for non-muslims during Ramadan.

No eating and drinking in public.
Muslims fast from dawn til dusk, meaning they are not allowed to eat nor drink on this time. And as a respect to them, do not eat or drink in public places for they might see you and it's kinda disrespectful.

Dress Modestly.
As much as possible, women must wear clothes that covers the shoulders and knees.

Yeah, we get it. You two are so in love, but please no PDAs during Ramadan please., you might get into trouble doing it.

Respect Prayer Time.
If you see someone praying, please do not disturb them or make noise near them, worst don't make fun of them.

Say YES to Iftar.
If a Muslim friend invites you to have Iftar (it is the meal that breaks the fast) it is impolite to say NO.

May the spirit of Ramadan be upon us, not just during the season but in our day to day life.

Ramadan Mubarak!! :-)

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Mandi: An Arab Traditional Food

It is said that "When ur in Rome, be a Roman.", so as I am in the middle east.. I will say "When in Arabia, be an Arab."..!

After a year and a half living in the middle east, I have finally adjusted and been trying to adapt, live and eating like a local. The picture above is a traditional Arabian dish called Mandi. It is based in rice, meat (lamb or chicken) and spices. Unlike Biryani, it is not that spicy. If your not into spicy food, you will love it. And the chicken in it is so tender and juicy. I think they marinated the chicken overnight for it to be so tender and tasty and juicy. So if you gonna visit the middle east one day, Mandi is a must try food.

Al'ukul Alssaeid!! :-)

Monday, May 15, 2017

Trust me, YOU are more than fine.

You are doing fine. It's okay to not be okay. It's okay to wonder what life will be. It's normal to not know what the future holds. It's acceptable to cry because you're heartbroken. It's alright to not be responsible sometimes, just know your limits. It's not wrong to beg for love coz I know you won't beg if he is not worth it. It's not a lose to put down some pride in the name of love. It's fine to be confused and make yourself crazy in love.

Never regret on how you feel, it's who you are, it makes you unique and that uniqueness makes you more beautiful. Embrace your individuality. Don't be afraid to be different. Don't follow the crowd, make your own road. Smile at your mistakes but make sure to learned a lesson from it.

Don't be scared to fall in love, and fall hard, give your all. Be happy. Make him happy. It's the greatest gift you can give to someone. Don't be ashamed to ask questions and hear all the answers.

Let go. You cannot control things. Sometimes the hardest person to let go is the one you should let go most. Treasure memories. It's forever. Keep it in your heart. Smile with those memories, it feels good. Trust people, always give them the benefit of the doubt.

Trust God`s plan and enjoy the ride, you will arrived in your destination in your own time. Enjoy the journey coz life happens only once, you can't live this day the second time.

Seize the moment, may it be sadness, confusions, heartbreaks, and happiness. Do not let life's lessons harden you. Let your experiences make you a better version of yourself.

Love and live life.

Appreciate people, especially the ones making efforts to make you happy. It might be their last, best and all and they chose to give it to you.

Say sorry to people you've hurt, consciously and unconsciously.

Say Thank you to people that makes life worth living. Everyone you meet is a blessing and a lesson in your life. And it's a good thing.

Be thankful.

And most importantly, be patient and kind always. 

Be a blessing to everyone you meet along the way. It makes life more beautiful and worth while. 

Friday, January 13, 2017

The Prey

The eagle came unexpectedly.
Like a flash in a stormy day.
The prey nod surprisingly.
Holding her breath silently.
The eagle smile genuinely.
Making the prey feels so lovely.
Like a morning as beautiful as today.

The eagle knew better.
For he is wiser than ever.
He needs to act sooner.
For the lust that grows stronger.
And for him to feel greater.
In a night that gets colder.
Colder than snow in a winter.

The eagle cornered the prey.
Making her his one and only.
The eagle wants it so badly.
Looking at her obsessively.
The prey hand it openly.
Deceived by the eagle so blindly.
And the eagle has taken his prey victoriously.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Go. Follow that Dream.

When I was a kid,  my only dream was to be able to fly in a plane and go to many places. We are not rich and the plane ticket before was too pricey, my parents can't afford it (maybe they can but it was not just the priority at that time). When I told my mom about it, and I cannot forget what she told me up to this days, it is still my driving force to still live that dream. She said, "When you grow up and have a job, and you will have a salary of course then you can easily afford to buy that plane ticket and go wherever you want to go." After my mom died, I told myself I will go see places for mom, though she's not with me physically, I know she is with me in my heart wherever I go. This video here 👇(see links below), inspired me to share to you my story. It may not make sense to some but I hope it make sense to few.

So, go follow that dream of yours. Make that someone or something be your motivation to reach that goal. Go follow your heart and be an inspiration to everyone you meet along the way. Just enjoy the ride even if it gets bumpy sometimes, I tell you, it is all worth it. 😘😘