Thursday, April 10, 2014

Sagada: Supa-Fun Birthday Spelunking

I never expected that I will do spelunking in Sagada. I read about it many times for it's one of the famous things to do when your in there. Though it's part of my itinerary, I was not hopping that we can do it because first, I am travelling with a friend alone and according to what I've read, it needs to have at least a group of five or six for the guide to accompany you..and it's kinda scary to be in a cave with only the three of you and not to mention it's kinda pricey too. But when your being friendly and make friends to the people that you meet on the road, especially to those who have the same plan as yours, it pays off. You will find new friends, earn a lesson or two from them, share other travel experiences with them and more importantly, it will lessen your
travel expenses especially to tours that comes in group. And we were so fortunate that we found new friends along the way so we decided to do the spelunking. We paid 400/person for three guides. It is a fix rate for tour guide fees. 

The spelunking experience was fun though a bit tiring but not much. The stalactites and stalagmites and other rock formations inside the cave made me think what was the cave look like a century ago? Our guide told us that the locals believed that the cave was once full of water and in proof, he show us a shell that is engraved in the higher part of a rock, it can be true..But whatever was the cave before, let us leave it that way, a mystery and just be thankful to have seen and experienced such wonders. It's too good to be true, biggest cave I have explored so far. Anyway, it's a two cave connected to each other. The Lumiang and Sumaguing Caves. You can do the 2-4 hours cave connection spelunking or just the Sumaguing Cave alone. We did the cave connection after a couple of minutes of debate and not regretted it at all. When you let your imagination go full speed when your inside the cave, you can surely formed a lot of things and they really looks like it! 

Here are some pictures of the rock formations that can be seen inside the cave. Enjoy and use your wildest imagination!

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