Thursday, April 10, 2014

Chilly Sunrise Catching At Mt. Apo

I was fortunate enough to have witnessed sunrise at the highest peak in the Philippines! It was only a quarter before five in the morning, with a temperature of below 10C and I was freezing! An ice-cold freezing! But I can't miss the sunrise, I already missed the sunset the afternoon before. So, with my life saver coat literally and a head lamp, we headed up to the other peak of Mt. Apo for a better visualizations of the sunrise. And after five minutes of an exhausting hike, jog and run ( and I am not exaggerating here for we were afraid that we were too late already and trust me, it was my most tiring moment in Mt. Apo). We arrived at the peak and thankfully, no sun in sight yet. While waiting for the sun to shine, we had our devotional first and said our prayer of thankfulness for the opportunity for us to be able to be there with no harm done. And a little while after our devotional, right in front our very bare eyes, the beauty of the sun and its first ray, with clouds that at some point teases us by covering the sun while we were having our photo op. We waited for a few moment and the sun was visible again. We were just having the time of our lives taking pictures of the sun, catching its perfect fire-ball color and shape, watching and waiting for the sun taking up its time for us. It was an amazing, felt-darn-good moment. Great moment. Knowing that I'm standing at the highest peak in my country, sunrise in front of me, sea of clouds surrounding me that makes me feel like jumping 'coz it looks so soft, with wild berries on the side as snacks plus mountains and forest below was just...Wow. Amazing. Awesome. No words can describe what I was feeling at that moment. It made me appreciate nature even more and in awed of God's work. 




Made me realized that things happen in God's perfect time, there may be clouds covering it along the way but if it is bound to happen and if it is really meant to happen for you...just have faith in God and it will happen in God's perfect time.

                                                                                Xx, Ypai

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